- Absalom, Absalom! (1936) by William Faulkner. (Jan. 19–26, 2016)
- Lolita (1955) by Vladimir Nabokov (late Dec. 2015–Jan. 31, 2016)
- The Tennis Handsome (1983) by Barry Hannah (Feb. 1–2, 2016)
- Hey Jack! (1987) by Barry Hannah (Feb. 3–4, 2016)
- The Secret History (1992) by Donna Tartt (Feb. 11–Mar. 1, 2016)
- Fuck Seth Price (2015) by Seth Price (Mar. 2, 2016)
- Surveys (2016) by Natasha Stagg (Mar. 3–4, 2016)
- My Brilliant Friend (2011) by Elena Ferrante (Mar. 6–14, 2016)
- God, I Don't Even Know Your Name (2015) by Andrea McGinty (Mar. 15, 2016)
- The Story of a New Name (2012) by Elena Ferrante (Mar. 16–Apr. 5, 2016)
- Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay (2013) by Elena Ferrante (Apr. 7–14, 2016)
- The Story of the Lost Child (2014) by Elena Ferrante (Apr. 14–May 4, 2016)
- Zero K (2016) by Don DeLillo (May 5–7, 2016)
- *Run River (1963) by Joan Didion (May 8–10, 2016)
- Slouching Towards Bethlehem (1968) by Joan Didion (May 10–12, 2016)
- *Play It As It Lays (1970) by Joan Didion (May 12–13, 2016)
- The White Album (1979) by Joan Didion (May 14–16, 2016)
- Salvador (1983) by Joan Didion (May 17–18, 2016)
- Miami (1987) by Joan Didion (May 19–20, 2016)
- Nightwood (1936) by Djuna Barnes (May 20–23, 2016)
- Hope of Heaven (1938) by John O’Hara (May 23–24, 2016)
- Pal Joey (1940) by John O’Hara (May 24, 2016)
- Ten North Frederick (1955) by John O’Hara (May 25–31, 2016)
- *The Sun Also Rises (1926) by Ernest Hemingway (June 1–2, 2016)
- For Whom the Bell Tolls (1940) by Ernest Hemingway (June 3–9, 2016)
- A Moveable Feast (1964) by Ernest Hemingway (June 15–16, 2016)
- Bullet Park (1969) by John Cheever (June 17–20, 2016)
- *Falconer (1977) by John Cheever (June 21–23, 2016)
- Oh What a Paradise It Seems (1982) by John Cheever (June 26, 2016)
- *Less Than Zero (1985) by Bret Easton Ellis (June 27–28, 2016)
- The Rules of Attraction (1987) by Bret Easton Ellis (June 29–July 4, 2016)
- *American Psycho (1991) by Bret Easton Ellis (July 4–11, 2016)
- The Informers (1994) by Bret Easton Ellis (July 11–13, 2016)
- Glamorama (1998) by Bret Easton Ellis (July 14–21, 2016)
- Lunar Park (2005) by Bret Easton Ellis (July 22–25, 2016)
- *Imperial Bedrooms (2010) by Bret Easton Ellis (July 26–27, 2016)
- Microaggressions (2017) by Erik Stinson (July 28, 2016)
- The Soros Fund (2017) by Erik Stinson (July 28, 2016)
- Agapē Agape (2002) by William Gaddis (July 30, 2016)
- The Rush for Second Place (2002) by William Gaddis (Aug. 1–3, 2016)
- The Map and the Territory (2012) by Michel Houellebecq (Aug. 4–6, 2016)
- The Hermit (2016) by Lucy Ives (Aug. 7, 2016)
- The Hatred of Poetry (2016) by Ben Lerner (Aug. 7, 2016)
- The Wallcreeper (2014) by Nell Zink (Aug. 8–9, 2016)
- The Elementary Particles (1998) by Michel Houellebecq (Aug. 12–15, 2016)
- Platform (2001) by Michel Houellebecq (Aug. 16–19, 2016)
- The Possibility of an Island (2005) by Michel Houellebecq (Aug. 22–24, 2016)
- *Ray (1980) by Barry Hannah (Aug. 25, 2016)
- Reasons to Live (1985) by Amy Hempel (Aug. 27, 2016)
- At the Gates of the Animal Kingdom (1990) by Amy Hempel (Aug. 29, 2016)
- Tumble Home (1997) by Amy Hempel (Aug. 30, 2016)
- The Dog of the Marriage (2005) by Amy Hempel (Aug. 31, 2016)
- Dear Mr. Capote (1983) by Gordon Lish (Sept. 1–4, 2016)
- Collaborators (1986) by Janet Kauffman (Sept. 6–7, 2016)
- *Captain Maximus (1985) by Barry Hannah (Sept. 7–8, 2016)
- Boomerang (1989) by Barry Hannah (Sept. 10–12, 2016)
- Never Die (1991) by Barry Hannah (Sept. 14–15, 2016)
- Days (1979) by Mary Robison (Sept. 16–20, 2016)
- Stories Up to a Point (1981) by Bette Pesetsky (Sept. 27–Oct. 1, 2016)
- The Little Friend (2002) by Donna Tartt (Oct. 6–Dec. 23, 2016)
- Woodcutters (1984) by Thomas Bernhard (Nov. 2–8, 2016)
- The Loser (1983) by Thomas Bernhard (Nov. 10–16, 2016)
- Notes from Underground (1864) by Fyodor Dostoevsky (Nov. 17–23, 2016)
- Wittgenstein’s Nephew (1982) by Thomas Bernhard (Nov. 25–Dec. 5, 2016)
- Concrete (1982) by Thomas Bernhard (Dec. 6–14, 2016)
- The Days of Abandonment (2002) by Elena Ferrante (Dec. 28–30, 2016)
- Sanctuary (1931) by William Faulkner (Jan. 4–6, 2017)
- Pylon (1935) by William Faulkner (Jan. 8–12, 2017)
- Troubling Love (1992) by Elena Ferrante (Jan. 17–19, 2017)
- The Lost Daughter (2006) by Elena Ferrante (Jan. 19–23, 2017)
- Elbowing the Seducer (1984) by T. Gertler (Jan. 24–Feb. 2, 2017)
- Where the Road Bottoms Out (1995) by Victoria Redel (Feb. 2–17, 2017)
- *Almost Transparent Blue (1976) by Ryū Murakami (Feb. 8–9, 2017)
- Lincoln in the Bardo (2017) by George Saunders (Feb. 18–25, 2017)
- Nightwork (1996) by Christine Schutt (Feb. 25–26, 2017)
- Matt Meets Vik (2014) by Timothy Willis Sanders (Feb. 27–28, 2017)
- Universal Harvester (2017) by John Darnielle (Mar. 1–2, 2017)
- Bandit (2016) by Molly Brodak (Mar. 3–8, 2017)
- Between the World and Me (2015) by Ta-Nehisi Coates (Mar. 9–10, 2017)
- South and West (2017) by Joan Didion (Mar. 10–13, 2017)
- Geronimo Rex (1972) by Barry Hannah (Mar. 16–21, 2017)
- Nightwatchmen (1973) by Barry Hannah (Mar. 22–27, 2017)
- *Airships (1978) by Barry Hannah (Mar. 27–30, 2017)
- God Box (2017) by Mallory Whitten (Mar. 30, 2017)
- Telling Stories (1978) by Joan Didion (Mar. 31, 2017)
- *Collected Poems & Stories (2014) by Mallory Whitten (Apr. 6, 2017)
- Bob the Gambler (1997) by Frederick Barthelme (Apr. 11–13, 2017)
- Moon Deluxe (1983) by Frederick Barthelme (Apr. 15–20, 2017)
- Second Marriage (1984) by Frederick Barthelme (Apr. 21–24, 2017)
- Tracer (1985) by Frederick Barthelme (Apr. 25–26, 2017)
- Chroma (1987) by Frederick Barthelme (Apr. 27–28, 2017)
- *To Live and Die in Qaqortoq (2015) by Andrew Colville (Apr. 30, 2017)
- Homesick for Another World (2017) by Ottessa Moshfegh (May 3–8, 2017)
- *Self-Help (1985) by Lorrie Moore (May 9–10, 2017)
- Eileen (2015) by Ottessa Moshfegh (May 11–12, 2017)
- Junky II (2017) by Peter BD (May 16, 2017)
- *Cats and Dogs (2014) by Andrew James Weatherhead (May 17, 2017)
- *Anagrams (1986) by Lorrie Moore (May 17–20, 2017)
- *Like Life (1990) by Lorrie Moore (May 20–24, 2017)
- McGlue (2014) by Ottessa Moshfegh (May 25, 2017)
- The Correspondence (2017) by J. D. Daniels (May 26–27, 2017)
- Picasso (1938) by Gertrude Stein (May 30, 2017)
- No Art (2014) by Ben Lerner (May 31, 2017)
- Reena Spaulings (2005) by Bernadette Corporation (May 31–June 2, 2017)
- Go Tell It on the Mountain (1953) by James Baldwin (June 5–7, 2017)
- Notes of a Native Son (1955) by James Baldwin (June 8–9, 2017)
- Giovanni’s Room (1956) by James Baldwin (June 9–14, 2017)
- The Tragedy of Julius Caesar (1600) by William Shakespeare (June 15–21, 2017)
- *The Tragedy of King Lear (1606) by William Shakespeare (June 22–25, 2017)
- The Tragedy of Macbeth (1606) by William Shakespeare (June 26–27, 2017)
- How to Disappear in America (2008) by Seth Price (June 27–28, 2017)
- It Chooses You (2011) by Miranda July (June 29, 2017)
- Danse Macabre (1981) by Stephen King (June 30–July 12, 2017)
- The Tommyknockers (1987) by Stephen King (July 12–19, 2017)
- Misery (1987) by Stephen King (July 19–25, 2017)
- On Writing (2000) by Stephen King (July 25–28, 2017)
- The Elements of Style (1959) by William Strunk Jr. and E. B. White (July 30–31, 2017)
- Wait Till You See Me Dance (2017) by Deb Olin Unferth (Aug. 1–2, 2017)
- Orange Roses (2013) by Lucy Ives (Aug. 1, 2017)
- Minor Robberies (2007) by Deb Olin Unferth (Aug. 3–5, 2017)
- Elizabeth Zoë Lindsay Drink Fanta (2011) by Jon Leon (Aug. 6, 2017)
- Impossible Views of the World (2017) by Lucy Ives (Aug. 7–10, 2017)
- White Plains by (2017) Gordon Lish (Aug. 10–15, 2017)
- State of Grace (1973) by Joy Williams (Aug. 16–21, 2017)
- The Changeling (1978) by Joy Williams (Aug. 22–24, 2017)
- Taking Care (1982) by Joy Williams (Aug. 26–28, 2017)
- Breaking and Entering (1988) by Joy Williams (Aug. 29–31, 2017)
- Escapes (1990) by Joy Williams (Sept. 1–3, 2017)
- The Quick and the Dead (2000) by Joy Williams (Sept. 5–8, 2017)
- Loss (2017) by Rachel Bell (Sept. 6, 2017)
- Ill Nature (2001) by Joy Williams (Sept. 9–12, 2017)
- *Honored Guest (2004) by Joy Williams (Sept. 12–14, 2017)
- Ninety-Nine Stories of God (2016) by Joy Williams (Sept. 15, 2017)
- The Visiting Privilege (2015) by Joy Williams (Sept. 16–18, 2017)
- Georgia O'Keeffe (1976) by Georgia O'Keeffe (Sept. 19, 2017)
- Birds of North America (1972) by Eliot Porter (Sept. 20–21, 2017)
- Caca Dolce (2017) by Chelsea Martin (Sept. 22–25, 2017)
- The Orchard Keeper (1965) by Cormac McCarthy (Sept. 26–28, 2017)
- Outer Dark (1968) by Cormac McCarthy (Sept. 28–Oct. 1, 2017)
- Child of God (1973) by Cormac McCarthy (Oct. 2–3, 2017)
- Suttree (1979) by Cormac McCarthy (Oct. 3–9, 2017)
- *Blood Meridian (1985) by Cormac McCarthy (Oct. 9–12, 2017)
- Cunny Poem Vol. 1 (2014) by Bunny Rogers (Oct. 12–14, 2017)
- *Selected Unpublished Blog Posts of a Mexican Panda Express Employee (2011) by Megan Boyle (Oct. 14–16, 2017)
- The Little Disturbances of Man (1959) by Grace Paley (Oct. 17–19, 2017)
- Enormous Changes at the Last Minute (1974) by Grace Paley (Oct. 19–20, 2017)
- Later the Same Day (1985) by Grace Paley (Oct. 22–23, 2017)
- The Beach at Night (2007) by Elena Ferrante (Oct. 23, 2017)
- The Others (2017) by Matthew Rohrer (Oct. 24–25, 2017)
- Talkativeness (2014) by Michael Earl Craig (Oct. 26, 2017)
- *Break It Down (1986) by Lydia Davis (Oct. 28–31, 2017)
- Almost No Memory (1997) by Lydia Davis (Nov. 2–3, 2017)
- Samuel Johnson Is Indignant (2001) by Lydia Davis (Nov. 5–7, 2017)
- Varieties of Disturbance (2007) by Lydia Davis (Nov. 7–9, 2017)
- Can't and Won't (2014) by Lydia Davis (Nov. 11–13, 2017)
- The End of the Story (1994) by Lydia Davis (Nov. 14–16, 2017)
- The Pagan Rabbi and Other Stories (1971) by Cynthia Ozick (Nov. 17–21, 2017)
- Bloodshed and Three Novellas (1976) by Cynthia Ozick (Nov. 25–27, 2017)
- Levitation: Five Fictions (1982) by Cynthia Ozick (Nov. 28–29, 2017)
- The Shawl (1989) by Cynthia Ozick (Nov. 30, 2017)
- Dictation: A Quartet (2008) by Cynthia Ozick (Dec. 1–4, 2017)
- *you are a little bit happier than i am (2006) by Tao Lin (Dec. 5–6, 2017)
- *Bed (2007) by Tao Lin (Dec. 7–9, 2017)
- *Eeeee Eee Eeee (2007) by Tao Lin (Dec. 10–12, 2017)
- *cognitive-behavioral therapy (2008) by Tao Lin (Dec. 13, 2017)
- We Were Eight Years in Power (2017) by Ta-Nehisi Coates (Dec. 14–23, 2017)
- Motherest (2017) by Kristen Iskandrian (Dec. 23–27, 2017)
- How Should a Person Be? (2012) by Sheila Heti (Dec. 27–30, 2017)
- Two Against One (1988) by Frederick Barthelme (Jan. 2–5, 2018)
- Natural Selection (1990) by Frederick Barthelme (Jan. 7–9, 2018)
- Trip (2018) by Tao Lin (Jan. 10–13, 2018)
- Fire and Fury (2018) by Michael Wolff (Jan. 14–18, 2018)
- The Situation (2017) by Hannah Black et al. (Jan. 21–22, 2018)
- The Brothers (1993) by Frederick Barthelme (Jan. 24–28, 2018)
- Painted Desert (1995) by Frederick Barthelme (Jan. 28–Feb. 4, 2018)
- Double Down (1999) by Frederick Barthelme and Steven Barthelme (Feb. 5–7, 2018)
- The Law of Averages (2000) by Frederick Barthelme (Feb. 7–10, 2018)
- Elroy Nights (2003) by Frederick Barthelme (Feb. 11–13, 2018)
- Morgan's Passing (1980) by Anne Tyler (Feb. 14–19, 2018)
- Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant (1982) by Anne Tyler (Feb. 19–22, 2018)
- The Accidental Tourist (1985) by Anne Tyler (Feb. 23–28, 2018)
- Todd (2018) by Andrew Weatherhead (Mar. 1, 2018)
- Oh! (1981) by Mary Robison (Mar. 1–4, 2018)
- An Amateur's Guide to the Night (1983) by Mary Robison (Mar. 5–7, 2018)
- Believe Them (1988) by Mary Robison (Mar. 8–10, 2018)
- The Boulders (2018) by Amelie von Wolffen (Mar. 11, 2018)
- Subtraction (1991) by Mary Robison (Mar. 12–15, 2018)
- Why Did I Ever (2001) by Mary Robison (Mar. 21–23, 2018)
- One D.O.A., One on the Way (2009) by Mary Robison (Mar. 26–28, 2018)
- Milk & Henny (2018) by Peter BD (Mar. 28, 2018)
- *Who Will Run the Frog Hospital? (1994) by Lorrie Moore (Apr. 2–4, 2018)
- Waveland (2009) by Frederick Barthelme (Apr. 5–11, 2018)
- There Must Be Some Mistake (2014) by Frederick Barthelme (Apr. 12–15, 2018)
- Breathing Lessons (1988) by Anne Tyler (Apr. 16–20, 2018)
- Your Shining Trapdoor (2018) by Nicolette Polek (Apr. 23, 2018)
- Lee Lozano: Dropout Piece (2014) by Sarah Lehrer-Graiwer (Apr. 24–26, 2018)
- Private Book 1 (1972) by Lee Lozano (Apr. 27–28, 2018)
- Private Book 2 (1972) by Lee Lozano (Apr. 29–30, 2018)
- Motherhood (2018) by Sheila Heti (Apr. 30–May 2, 2018)
- The Big Wedding (2005) by Sander Hicks (May 3–9, 2018)
- One Big Lie (2016) by Rebecca R. Peel (May 9, 2018)
- The Stories of Breece D’J Pancake (1983) by Breece D’J Pancake (May 10–13, 2018)
- The Garbage Times (2018) by Sam Pink (May 14–15, 2018)
- White Ibis (2018) by Sam Pink (May 15–17, 2018)
- The Dark Enlightenment (2012) by Nick Land (May 20–22)
- The Mezzanine (1988) by Nicholson Baker (May 23–26, 2018)
- Room Temperature (1990) by Nicholson Baker (May. 28–June 1, 2018)
- Rage (1977) by Richard Bachman (June 8–21, 2018)
- & The Real Stormy Daniels Band (2018) by Rebecca R. Peel (June 11–12, 2018)
- Over View: The Crisis Years (2017) by Rebecca R. Peel (June 13–14, 2018)
- Bats Out of Hell (1993) by Barry Hannah (July 20–Aug. 12, 2018)
- High Lonesome (1996) by Barry Hannah (Aug. 13–23, 2018)
- My Year of Rest and Relaxation (2018) by Ottessa Moshfegh (Aug. 24–26, 2018)
- LIVEBLOG (2018) by Megan Boyle (Aug. 27–Sept. 4, 2018)
- Cherry (2018) by Nico Walker (Sept. 5–8, 2018)
- How to Change Your Mind (2018) by Michael Pollan (Sept. 8–13, 2018)
- This Is About the Body, the Mind, the Soul, the World, Time, and Fate (1990) by Diane Williams (Sept. 14–15, 2018)
- Some Sexual Success Stories Plus Other Stories in Which God Might Choose to Appear (1992) by Diane Williams (Sept. 15–16, 2018)
- The Stupefaction (1996) by Diane Williams (Sept. 18–19, 2018)
- Essays and Fictions (2019) by Brad Phillips (Sept. 20–23, 2018)
- a pirate looks at 30 (2018) by Erik Stinson (Sept. 24, 2018)
- SUPPLICATION (2018) by Erik Stinson (Sept. 24, 2018)
- Powers of Horror (1980) by Julia Kristeva (Sept. 26–28, 2018)
- The Last Samurai (2000) by Helen DeWitt (Sept. 29–Oct. 4, 2018)
- Lightning Rods (2011) by Helen DeWitt (Oct. 5–8, 2018)
- $50,000 (????) by Andrew Weatherhead (Oct. 9, 2018)
- Some Trick (2018) by Helen DeWitt (Oct. 10–12, 2018)
- Garments Against Women (2015) by Anne Boyer (Oct. 15, 2018)
- Romancer Erector (2001) by Diane Williams (Oct. 16, 2018)
- It Was Like My Trying to Have a Tender-Hearted Nature (2007) by Diane Williams (Oct. 17–18, 2018)
- Vicky Swanky Is a Beauty (2012) by Diane Williams (Oct. 20, 2018)
- Fine, Fine, Fine, Fine, Fine (2016) by Diane Williams (Oct. 21–22, 2018)
- Power of Gentleness (2013) by Anne Dufourmantelle (Oct. 23–24, 2018)
- Under the Light (1991) by Sam Michel (Oct. 26–29, 2018)
- Big Dogs and Flyboys (2007) by Sam Michel (Oct. 31–Nov. 4, 2018)
- Strange Cowboy (2012) by Sam Michel (Nov. 5–9, 2018)
- The Spectacle of the Body (1994) by Noy Holland (Nov. 9–13, 2018)
- What Begins with Bird (2005) by Noy Holland (Nov. 15–17, 2018)
- The Cosmic Whale Has Beached Itself (????) by Mary Elizabeth Dubois (Nov. 19–21, 2018)
- *Revolutionary Road (1961) by Richard Yates (Nov. 25–28, 2018)
- *Eleven Kinds of Loneliness (1962) by Richard Yates (Nov. 28–30, 2018)
- A Special Providence (1969) by Richard Yates (Dec. 1–3, 2018)
- Disturbing the Peace (1975) by Richard Yates (Dec. 4–6, 2018)
- *The Easter Parade (1976) by Richard Yates (Dec. 7–9, 2018)
- A Good School (1978) by Richard Yates (Dec. 10–13, 2018)
- Liars in Love (1981) by Richard Yates (Dec. 13–17, 2018)
- Young Hearts Crying (1984) by Richard Yates (Dec. 18–22, 2018)
- Cold Spring Harbor (1986) by Richard Yates (Dec. 23–24, 2018)
- Tonight I'm Someone Else (2018) by Chelsea Hodson (Dec. 26–29, 2018)
- *The Dead (1914) by James Joyce (Dec. 30, 2018)
- *All the Pretty Horses (1992) by Cormac McCarthy (Jan. 2–6, 2019)
- The Crossing (1994) by Cormac McCarthy (Jan. 7–15, 2019)
- Cities of the Plain (1998) by Cormac McCarthy (Jan. 17–21, 2019)
- No Country for Old Men (2005) by Cormac McCarthy (Jan. 22–24, 2019)
- *The Road (2006) by Cormac McCarthy (Jan. 25–29, 2019)
- The Lonesome Bodybuilder (2018) by Yukiko Motoya (Jan. 30–31, 2019)
- Lonesome Dove (1985) by Larry McMurtry (Feb. 4–18, 2019)
- Outline (2014) by Rachel Cusk (Feb. 18–20, 2019)
- Transit (2016) by Rachel Cusk (Feb. 22–25, 2019)
- Kudos (2018) by Rachel Cusk (Feb. 26–28, 2019)
- Middlemarch (1872) by George Eliot (Mar. 1–15, 2019)
- Woods and Clouds Interchangeable (2019) by Michael Earl Craig (Mar. 16–17, 2019)
- The Sad Fortunes of the Reverend Amos Barton (1857) by George Eliot (Mar. 18–19, 2019)
- The Fourth Dimension (1984) by Rudy Rucker (Mar. 20–25, 2019)
- Do the Windows Open? (1997) by Julie Hecht (Mar. 26–28, 2019)
- Was This Man a Genius? (2001) by Julie Hecht (Mar. 28–30, 2019)
- The Book of Judith (2019) by Willis Plummer (Mar. 31, 2019)
- The Unprofessionals (2003) by Julie Hecht (Apr. 2–4, 2019)
- Happy Trails to You (2008) by Julie Hecht (Apr. 5–8, 2019)
- Sing to It (2019) by Amy Hempel (Apr. 9–10, 2019)
- Hark (2019) by Sam Lipsyte (Apr. 11–15, 2019)
- *Prufrock and Other Observations (1917) by T. S. Eliot (Apr. 15, 2019)
- Poems (1920) by T. S. Eliot (Apr. 16, 2019)
- White (2019) by Bret Easton Ellis (Apr. 16–19, 2019)
- *The Waste Land (1922) by T. S. Eliot (Apr. 20, 2019)
- The Colossus and Other Poems (1960) by Sylvia Plath (Apr. 21–22, 2019)
- *The Bell Jar (1963) by Sylvia Plath (Apr. 23–26, 2019)
- *Ariel (1965) by Sylvia Plath (Apr. 28–29, 2019)
- Tatlin! (1974) by Guy Davenport (May 3–10, 2019)
- In the Year of Long Division (1995) by Dawn Raffel (May 14–15, 2019)
- Carrying the Body (2002) by Dawn Raffel (May 16–17, 2019)
- Further Adventures in the Restless Universe (2010) by Dawn Raffel (May 20–21, 2019)
- The Secret Life of Objects (2012) by Dawn Raffel (May 22–24, 2019)
- The Strange Case of Dr. Couney (2018) by Dawn Raffel (May 27–30, 2019)
- *Will You Please Be Quiet, Please? (1976) by Raymond Carver (May 31–June 4, 2019)
- *What We Talk About When We Talk About Love (1981) by Raymond Carver (June 4–6, 2019)
- Fires (1983) by Raymond Carver (June 7–12, 2019)
- Cathedral (1983) by Raymond Carver (June 13–17, 2019)
- Elephant (1988) by Raymond Carver (June 18–19, 2019)
- Raymond Carver's What We Talk About When We Talk About Love (2018) by Brian Evenson (June 20–22, 2019)
- Better Get Your Angel On (1989) by Jennifer Allen (June 23–24, 2019)
- Stardust, 7-Eleven, Route 57, A&W, and So Forth (1992) by Patricia Lear (June 25–27, 2019)
- Juliet the Maniac (2019) by Juliet Escoria (June 27–30, 2019)
- The Mushroom at the End of the World (2017) by Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing (July 2–8, 2019)
- Other Minds (2016) by Peter Godfrey-Smith (July 9–11, 2019)
- Gorillas in the Mist (1983) by Dian Fossey (July 12–17, 2019)
- Silent Spring (1962) by Rachel Carson (July 18–21, 2019)
- Dark Money (2016) by Jane Mayer (July 22–28, 2019)
- Surveillance Valley (2018) by Yasha Levine (July 29–Aug. 2, 2019)
- Warm Womb (2019) by Marissa Jezak (Aug. 2, 2019)
- Loudermilk (2019) by Lucy Ives (Aug. 3–6, 2019)
- This Is Pleasure (2019) by Mary Gaitskill (Aug. 8, 2019)
- *Omensetter's Luck (1966) by William H. Gass (Aug. 8–13, 2019)
- In the Heart of the Heart of the Country (1968) by William H. Gass (Aug. 15–17, 2019)
- Willie Masters' Lonesome Wife (1968) by William H. Gass (Aug. 19, 2019)
- The Tunnel (1995) by William H. Gass (Aug. 20–31, 2019)
- Where Did the Towers Go? (2010) by Judy Wood (Sept. 1–11, 2019)
- Postcards from the Edge (1987) by Carrie Fisher (Sept. 2–4, 2019)
- At the Mountains of Madness (1936) by H. P. Lovecraft (Sept. 5–7, 2019)
- The Case of Charles Dexter Ward (1941) by H. P. Lovecraft (Sept. 8–11, 2019)
- The Call of Cthulhu and Other Weird Stories (1999) by H. P. Lovecraft (Sept. 12–23, 2019)
- The Whisperer in Darkness (1931) by H. P. Lovecraft (Sept. 24, 2019)
- The Shadow Over Innsmouth (1936) by H.P. Lovecraft (Sept. 25, 2019)
- The Haunter of the Dark and Other Tales (1985) by H. P. Lovecraft (Sept. 27–30, 2019)
- The Shadow Out of Time (1936) by H. P. Lovecraft (Oct. 1, 2019)
- Dagon and Other Macabre Tales (1965) by H. P. Lovecraft (Oct. 2–8, 2019)
- The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath (1943) by H. P. Lovecraft (Oct. 9–11, 2019)
- H. P. Lovecraft: Against the World, Against Life (1991) by Michel Houellebecq (Oct. 14–15, 2019)
- Whatever (1994) by Michel Houellebecq (Oct. 16–17, 2019)
- Lanzarote (2000) by Michel Houellebecq (Oct. 18, 2019)
- Serotonin (2019) by Michel Houellebecq (Oct. 20–23, 2019)
- The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket (1838) by Edgar Allan Poe (Oct. 24–28, 2019)
- Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque, vol. 1 (1840) by Edgar Allan Poe (Oct. 29–31, 2019)
- *White Noise (1985) by Don DeLillo (Nov. 4–7, 2019)
- *The Names (1982) by Don DeLillo (Nov. 13–18, 2019)
- A Sand Book (2019) by Ariana Reines (Nov. 19–20, 2019)
- The Topeka School (2019) by Ben Lerner (Nov. 21–25, 2019)
- Sleeveless (2019) by Natasha Stagg (Nov. 25–27, 2019)
- Incidental Inventions (2019) by Elena Ferrante (Nov. 27–30, 2019)
- The Water Dancer (2019) by Ta-Nehisi Coates (Dec. 2–5, 2019)
- Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass (1845) by Frederick Douglass (Dec. 6–8, 2019)
- Stamped from the Beginning (2016) by Ibram X. Kendi (Dec. 9–17, 2019)
- How to Be an Antiracist (2019) by Ibram X. Kendi (Dec. 18–20, 2019)
- Soul on Ice (1968) by Eldridge Cleaver (Dec. 23–25, 2019)
- That Christmas Good (2019) by Brandon Brown and J. Gordon Faylor (Dec. 26, 2019)
- Pimp (1967) by Iceberg Slim (Dec. 26–31, 2019)
- The Free-Lance Pallbearers (1967) by Ishmael Reed (Jan. 2–5, 2020)
- Yellow Back Radio Broke-Down (1969) by Ishmael Reed (Jan. 6–8, 2020)
- Mumbo Jumbo (1972) by Ishmael Reed (Jan. 9–14, 2020)
- Chattanooga (1973) by Ishmael Reed (Jan. 15–16, 2020)
- The Last Days of Louisiana Red (1974) by Ishmael Reed (Jan. 20–22, 2020)
- Flight to Canada (1976) by Ishmael Reed (Jan. 23–25, 2020)
- Imaginary Museums (2020) by Nicolette Polek (Jan. 26–27, 2020)
- The Novelist (????) by Jordan Castro (Jan. 28–29, 2020)
- *$50,000 (2020) by Andrew Weatherhead (Jan. 30, 2020)
- Infinite Hesh (2019) by Thomas J. Gamble (Jan. 31, 2020)
- The Network (2010) by Jena Osman (Feb. 3–4, 2020)
- Where We Go from Here (2018) by Bernie Sanders (Feb. 4–7, 2020)
- The New Jim Crow (2010) by Michelle Alexander (Feb. 12–16, 2020)
- Black Against Empire (2012) by Joshua Bloom and Waldo E. Martin Jr. (Feb. 17–21, 2020)
- Incognegro (2008) by Frank B. Wilderson III (Feb. 22–28, 2020)
- Bring the War Home (2018) by Kathleen Belew (Mar. 2–6, 2020)
- Barn 8 (2020) by Deb Olin Unferth (Mar. 6–10, 2020)
- *Revolution (2011) by Deb Olin Unferth (Mar. 11–12, 2020)
- Will and Testament (2016) by Vigdis Hjorth (Mar. 13–17, 2020)
- Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead (2009) by Olga Tokarczuk (Mar. 18–22, 2020)
- Bleak House (1853) by Charles Dickens (Mar. 22–Apr. 11, 2020)
- Flights (2007) by Olga Tokarczuk (Mar. 23–31, 2020)
- A House in Norway (2014) by Vigdis Hjorth (Apr. 1–7, 2020)
- Speedboat (1976) by Renata Adler (Apr. 12–13, 2020)
- Reuben Sachs (1888) by Amy Levy (Apr. 14–15, 2020)
- For the Fighting Spirit of the Walnut (1982) by Takashi Hiraide (Apr. 16, 2020)
- Discounted (2020) by Erik Stinson (Apr. 17, 2020)
- The House of Mirth (1905) by Edith Wharton (Apr. 17–21, 2020)
- Ethan Frome (1911) by Edith Wharton (Apr. 22–23, 2020)
- The Age of Innocence (1920) by Edith Wharton (Apr. 26–30, 2020)
- True Suede (2020) by Jon Leon (May 1, 2020)
- The Prick of Noon (1985) by Peter DeVries (May 2–4, 2020)
- Amazons (1980) by Cleo Birdwell (May 6–11, 2020)
- *American Psycho (1991) by Bret Easton Ellis (May 12–21, 2020)
- *A Book of Common Prayer (1977) by Joan Didion (May 22–26, 2020)
- *Salvador (1983) by Joan Didion (May 28–June 2, 2020)
- *Democracy (1984) by Joan Didion (June 7–10, 2020)
- *Miami (1987) by Joan Didion (June 11–16, 2020)
- The First Civil Right (2014) by Naomi Murakawa (June 17–18, 2020)
- The End of Policing (2017) by Alex S. Vitale (June 19–20, 2020)
- After Henry (1992) by Joan Didion (June 23–28, 2020)
- *The Last Thing He Wanted (1996) by Joan Didion (June 29–July 1, 2020)
- Political Fictions (2001) by Joan Didion (July 1–4, 2020)
- Fixed Ideas: America Since 9.11 (2003) by Joan Didion (July 5, 2020)
- Where I Was From (2003) by Joan Didion (July 6–8, 2020)
- Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats (1939) by T. S. Eliot (July 6–10, 2020)
- Four Quartets (1943) by T. S. Eliot (July 6–10, 2020)
- Hellbox (1947) by John O'Hara (July 9–12, 2020)
- Audition (1997) by Ryū Murakami (July 14–15, 2020)
- Death in Her Hands (2020) by Ottessa Moshfegh (July 16–17, 2020)
- Mountain Road, Late at Night (2020) by Alan Rossi (July 18–19, 2020)
- A Rage to Live (1949) by John O'Hara (July 20–31, 2020)
- The Farmers Hotel (1951) by John O'Hara (Aug. 1–2, 2020)
- A Family Party (1956) by John O'Hara (Aug. 4, 2020)
- Baseless (2020) by Nicholson Baker (Aug. 6–10, 2020)
- U and I (1991) by Nicholson Baker (Aug. 13–14, 2020)
- Vox (1992) by Nicholson Baker (Aug. 15–17, 2020)
- The Fermata (1994) by Nicholson Baker (Aug. 18–22, 2020)
- Vernon Subutex 1 (2015) by Virginie Despentes (Aug. 22–24, 2020)
- Vernon Subutex 2 (2015) by Virginie Despentes (Aug. 26–29, 2020)
- Frantumaglia (2016) by Elena Ferrante (Aug. 30–Sept. 3, 2020)
- Coin Locker Babies (1980) by Ryū Murakami (Sept. 4–9, 2020)
- Popular Hits of the Showa Era (1994) by Ryū Murakami (Sept. 10–12, 2020)
- The Lying Life of Adults (2019) by Elena Ferrante (Sept. 12–17, 2020)
- Afropessimism (2020) by Frank B. Wilderson III (Sept. 18–22, 2020)
- The Shock Doctrine (2007) by Naomi Klein (Sept. 23–29, 2020)
- Different Seasons (1982) by Stephen King (Sept. 30–Oct. 3, 2020)
- The Castle of Otranto (1764) by Horace Walpole (Oct. 9–10, 2020)
- Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque, vol. 2 (1840) by Edgar Allan Poe (Oct. 12–13, 2020)
- Tales (1845) by Edgar Allan Poe (Oct. 14–21, 2020)
- The Silence (2020) by Don DeLillo (Oct. 21, 2020)
- Yellow Grass (2020) by Josh Barber and Stephanie Hurtado (Oct. 22, 2020)
- *Frankenstein (1818) by Mary Shelley (Oct. 22–24, 2020)
- The Cipher (2020) by Molly Brodak (Oct. 23–25, 2020)
- Instructions for a Painting (2007) by Molly Brodak (Oct. 25, 2020)
- Dracula (1897) by Bram Stoker (Oct. 25–30, 2020)
- The Haunting of Hill House (1959) by Shirley Jackson (Nov. 1–3, 2020)
- The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. (1820) by Washington Irving (Nov. 4–10, 2020)
- Shrovetide in Old New Orleans (1978) by Ishmael Reed (Nov. 11–17, 2020)
- Rebecca (1938) by Daphne du Maurier (Nov. 12–22, 2020)
- Cab Calloway Stands in for the Moon or The Hexorcism of Noxon D Awful (1970) by Ishmael Reed (Nov. 19, 2020)
- God Made Alaska for the Indians (1982) by Ishmael Reed (Nov. 19–21, 2020)
- Beloved (1987) by Toni Morrison (Nov. 23–26, 2020)
- Jazz (1992) by Toni Morrison (Nov. 27–30, 2020)
- Paradise (1997) by Toni Morrison (Dec. 1–5, 2020)
- Long Live the Post Horn! (2012) by Vigdis Hjorth (Dec. 6–7, 2020)
- Vernon Subutex 3 (2017) by Virginie Despentes (Dec. 7–11, 2020)
- Wuthering Heights (1847) by Emily Brontë (Dec. 12–18, 2020)
- *Jane Eyre (1847) by Charlotte Brontë (Dec. 19–25, 2020)
- *Wide Sargasso Sea (1966) by Jean Rhys (Dec. 26–28, 2020)
- The Left Bank and Other Stories (1927) by Jean Rhys (Dec. 28–30, 2020)
- Midwinter Day (1982) by Bernadette Mayer (Dec. 31, 2020)
- *Quartet (1928) by Jean Rhys (Jan. 1–3, 2021)
- *After Leaving Mr. Mackenzie (1931) by Jean Rhys (Jan. 4–6, 2021)
- *Voyage in the Dark (1934) by Jean Rhys (Jan. 7–9, 2021)
- *Good Morning, Midnight (1938) by Jean Rhys (Jan. 11–12, 2021)
- Tigers Are Better-Looking (1968) by Jean Rhys (Jan. 13–16, 2021)
- Sleep It Off, Lady (1976) by Jean Rhys (Jan. 16–18, 2021)
- *Smile Please (1979) by Jean Rhys (Jan. 19–21, 2021)
- The Letters of Jean Rhys (1984) by Jean Rhys (Jan. 22–27, 2021)
- In Constant Flight (1983) by Elizabeth Tallent (Jan. 28–29, 2021)
- Museum Pieces (1985) by Elizabeth Tallent (Jan. 30–Feb. 2, 2021)
- Time with Children (1987) by Elizabeth Tallent (Feb. 3–4, 2021)
- *Shoplifting from American Apparel (2009) by Tao Lin (Feb. 5, 2021)
- *Eat When You Feel Sad (2009) by Zachary German (Feb. 6, 2021)
- *Richard Yates (2010) by Tao Lin (Feb. 6–8, 2021)
- *Taipei (2013) by Tao Lin (Feb. 9–10, 2021)
- Leave Society (2021) by Tao Lin (Feb. 11–14, 2021)
- I Contain Multitudes (2016) by Ed Yong (Feb. 15–18, 2021)
- Entangled Life (2020) by Merlin Sheldrake (Feb. 18–21, 2021)
- The Black Jacobins (1938) by C. L. R. James (Feb. 21–28, 2021)
- Native Son (1940) by Richard Wright (Mar. 1–5, 2021)
- Lawd Today! (1963) by Richard Wright (Mar. 7–9, 2021)
- Uncle Tom's Children (1938) by Richard Wright (Mar. 9–11, 2021)
- F.B. Eyes (2016) by William J. Maxwell (Mar. 12–16, 2021)
- Preface to a Twenty Volume Suicide Note (1961) by Amiri Baraka (Mar. 15, 2021)
- The Dead Lecturer (1964) by Amiri Baraka (Mar. 17, 2021)
- Black Magic (1969) by Amiri Baraka (Mar. 18, 2021)
- Hard Facts (1975) by Amiri Baraka (Mar. 19, 2021)
- Conjure (1972) by Ishmael Reed (Mar. 19–20, 2021)
- A Secretary to the Spirits (1978) by Ishmael Reed (Mar. 20, 2021)
- The Terrible Twos (1982) by Ishmael Reed (Mar. 21–24, 2021)
- Reckless Eyeballing (1986) by Ishmael Reed (Mar. 25–26, 2021)
- Writin’ Is Fightin’ (1988) by Ishmael Reed (Mar. 28–30, 2021)
- New and Collected Poems (1988) by Ishmael Reed (Mar. 31, 2021)
- The Terrible Threes (1989) by Ishmael Reed (Apr. 1–3, 2021)
- Ethel (2020) by Chelsea Hogue (Apr. 4, 2021)
- Prasicky (2020) by Demyan Hryciw and Zan de Perry (Apr. 4, 2021)
- 12 Million Black Voices (1941) by Richard Wright (Apr. 5–6, 2021)
- The Man Who Lived Underground (2021) by Richard Wright (Apr. 7–8, 2021)
- Black Boy (1945) by Richard Wright (Apr. 9–12, 2021)
- American Hunger (1977) by Richard Wright (Apr. 13–14, 2021)
- Yesterday Will Make You Cry (1952) by Chester Himes (Apr. 15–19, 2021)
- Barred (1932) by Edward de Nève (Apr. 20–21, 2021)
- If He Hollers Let Him Go (1945) by Chester Himes (Apr. 22–23, 2021)
- Lonely Crusade (1947) by Chester Himes (Apr. 24–30, 2021)
- The Third Generation (1954) by Chester Himes (May 3–6, 2021)
- The End of a Primitive (1955) by Chester Himes (May 6–8, 2021)
- 1996 (2005) by Gloria Naylor (May 11–12, 2021)
- Let Me Tell You What I Mean (2021) by Joan Didion (May 13–15, 2021)
- *The Year of Magical Thinking (2005) by Joan Didion (May 17–19, 2021)
- *Blue Nights (2011) by Joan Didion (May 20–23, 2021)
- Honey (1993) by Elizabeth Tallent (May 24–25, 2021)
- Mendocino Fires (2015) by Elizabeth Tallent (May 26–28, 2021)
- Scratched (2020) by Elizabeth Tallent (May 28–30, 2021)
- The Worldkillers (2014) by Lucy Ives (May 31, 2021)
- Human Events (2016) by Lucy Ives (June 1, 2021)
- Cosmogony (2021) by Lucy Ives (June 3–7, 2021)
- Terminal Boredom (2021) by Izumi Suzuki (June 8–10, 2021)
- Death and So Forth (2021) by Gordon Lish (June 11–14, 2021)
- Body High (2021) by Jon Lindsey (June 16–17, 2021)
- Junky (1953) by William S. Burroughs (June 18–20, 2021)
- Queer (1985) by William S. Burroughs (June 21, 2021)
- *Naked Lunch (1959) by William S. Burroughs (June 22–24, 2021)
- The Man Who Cried I Am (1967) by John A. Williams (June 25–30, 2021)
- Somebody in Boots (1935) by Nelson Algren (July 1–4, 2021)
- *Libra (1988) by Don DeLillo (July 5–12, 2021)
- 11/22/63 (2011) by Stephen King (July 13–19, 2021)
- Family of Secrets (2009) by Russ Baker (July 20–25, 2021)
- The Jakarta Method (2020) by Vincent Bevins (July 26–28, 2021)
- Human Smoke (2008) by Nicholson Baker (July 29–Aug. 1, 2021)
- The Everlasting Story of Nory (1998) by Nicholson Baker (Aug. 2–3, 2021)
- The Noonday Demon (2001) by Andrew Solomon (Aug. 5–11, 2021)
- 69 (1987) by Ryū Murakami (Aug. 13–14, 2021)
- Piercing (1994) by Ryū Murakami (Aug. 16–17, 2021)
- In the Miso Soup (1997) by Ryū Murakami (Aug. 17–18, 2021)
- From the Terrace (1958) by John O'Hara (Aug. 19–31, 2021)
- *Preparation for the Next Life (2014) by Atticus Lish (Sept. 1–7, 2021)
- The War for Gloria (2021) by Atticus Lish (Sept. 10–16, 2021)
- *The Quick and the Dead (2000) by Joy Williams (Sept. 17–19, 2021)
- Harrow (2021) by Joy Williams (Sept. 21–22, 2021)
- Jonah's Gourd Vine (1934) by Zora Neale Hurston (Sept. 29–30, 2021)
- Mules and Men (1935) by Zora Neale Hurston (Oct. 1–3, 2021)
- Their Eyes Were Watching God (1937) by Zora Neale Hurston (Oct. 3–4, 2021)
- Tell My Horse (1938) by Zora Neale Hurston (Oct. 5–8, 2021)
- *Closer (1989) by Dennis Cooper (Oct. 8–9, 2021)
- *Frisk (1991) by Dennis Cooper (Oct. 10–12, 2021)
- Try (1994) by Dennis Cooper (Oct. 13–15, 2021)
- Guide (1997) by Dennis Cooper (Oct. 17–19, 2021)
- Period (2000) by Dennis Cooper (Oct. 19–20, 2021)
- I Wished (2021) by Dennis Cooper (Oct. 21–22, 2021)
- Invisible Man (1952) by Ralph Ellison (Oct. 23–31, 2021)
- *The Stranger (1942) by Albert Camus (Nov. 1–3, 2021)
- The Plague (1947) by Albert Camus (Nov. 4–7, 2021)
- Fudge (????) by Andrew Weatherhead (Nov. 8, 2021)
- The Outsider (1953) by Richard Wright (Nov. 9–14, 2021)
- Savage Holiday (1954) by Richard Wright (Nov. 15–17, 2021)
- The Fall (1956) by Albert Camus (Nov. 18–19, 2021)
- The Long Dream (1958) by Richard Wright (Nov. 21–26, 2021)
- A Rage in Harlem (1957) by Chester Himes (Nov. 27–28, 2021)
- The Real Cool Killers (1959) by Chester Himes (Nov. 29–30, 2021)
- The Crazy Kill (1959) by Chester Himes (Dec. 1–3, 2021)
- The Loop (2021) by Josh Barber (Dec. 4, 2021)
- How High? — That High (2021) by Diane Williams (Dec. 5, 2021)
- This Is Your Mind on Plants (2021) by Michael Pollan (Dec. 6–9, 2021)
- Owl Babies (1992) by Martin Waddell (Dec. 7, 2021)
- Run Man Run (1959) by Chester Himes (Dec. 10–12, 2021)
- The Big Gold Dream (1960) by Chester Himes (Dec. 13–14, 2021)
- All Shot Up (1960) by Chester Himes (Dec. 15–18, 2021)
- The Haunting of Lin-Manuel Miranda (2020) by Ishmael Reed (Dec. 19, 2021)
- The Terrible Fours (2021) by Ishmael Reed (Dec. 20–22, 2021)
- *The Dead (1914) by James Joyce (Dec. 24, 2021)
- The Body Scout (2021) by Lincoln Michel (Dec. 24–28, 2021)
- Poems on Several Occasions (2021) by Stephen Sturgeon (Dec. 28, 2021)
- Inter Ice Age 4 (1959) by Kōbō Abe (Dec. 29–31, 2021)
- Mistletoe (2020) by Brandon Brown and J. Gordon Faylor (Dec. 29, 2021)
- A Christmas Sublime (2021) by Brandon Brown and J. Gordon Faylor (Dec. 30, 2021)
- Brave New World (1932) by Aldous Huxley (Jan. 1–4, 2022)
- X’ed Out (2010) by Charles Burns (Jan. 4, 2022)
- The Hive (2012) by Charles Burns (Jan. 5, 2022)
- Sugar Skull (2014) by Charles Burns (Jan. 6, 2022)
- MW (1978) by Osamu Tezuka (Jan. 7–9, 2022)
- The Setting Sun (1947) by Osamu Dazai (Jan. 11–13, 2022)
- *No Longer Human (1948) by Osamu Dazai (Jan. 14–15, 2022)
- The Woman in the Dunes (1962) by Kōbō Abe (Jan. 16–19, 2022)
- Where I Have Most Injured I Can Least Forgive (2022) by Stephen Sturgeon (Jan. 21, 2022)
- *The Face of Another (1964) by Kōbō Abe (Jan. 21–24, 2022)
- The Ruined Map (1967) by Kōbō Abe (Jan. 25–30, 2022)
- The Box Man (1973) by Kōbō Abe (Feb. 1–4, 2022)
- Bullet Train (2010) by Kōtarō Isaka (Feb. 4–8, 2022)
- The Perennial Philosophy (1945) by Aldous Huxley (Feb. 9–14, 2022)
- The Doors of Perception (1954) by Aldous Huxley (Feb. 15, 2022)
- Heaven and Hell (1956) by Aldous Huxley (Feb. 16, 2022)
- Island (1962) by Aldous Huxley (Feb. 17–24, 2022)
- Ten Mornings (2022) by Stephen Sturgeon (Feb. 25, 2022)
- Childhood (1967) by Tove Ditlevsen (Feb. 25–26, 2022)
- Youth (1967) by Tove Ditlevsen (Feb. 27–28, 2022)
- Dependency (1971) by Tove Ditlevsen (Mar. 1–2, 2022)
- Empire Star (1966) by Samuel R. Delany (Mar. 3–4, 2022)
- Babel-17 (1966) by Samuel R. Delany (Mar. 6–8, 2022)
- Nova (1968) by Samuel R. Delany (Mar. 9–12, 2022)
- Times Square Red, Times Square Blue (1999) by Samuel R. Delany (Mar. 13–18, 2022)
- Another Now (2020) by Yanis Varoufakis (Mar. 22–25, 2022)
- In the Camps (2021) by Darren Byler (Mar. 29–30, 2022)
- Everything Is Totally Fine (2022) by Zac Smith (Apr. 1–2, 2022)
- Pure Colour (2022) by Sheila Heti (Apr. 3–4, 2022)
- In the Margins (2021) by Elena Ferrante (Apr. 5, 2022)
- Soldiers’ Pay (1926) by William Faulkner (Apr. 6–9, 2022)
- Mosquitoes (1927) by William Faulkner (Apr. 10–14, 2022)
- The Convergence of the Virgins (2022) by Stephen Sturgeon (Apr. 12, 2022)
- Flags in the Dust (1929) by William Faulkner (Apr. 16–22, 2022)
- *The Sound and the Fury (1929) by William Faulkner (Apr. 26–30, 2022)
- *As I Lay Dying (1930) by William Faulkner (May 1–3, 2022)
- These Thirteen (1931) by William Faulkner (May 5–8, 2022)
- Pale Horse, Pale Rider (1939) by Katherine Anne Porter (May 9–11, 2022)
- The Old Order (1955) by Katherine Anne Porter (May 12–14, 2022)
- *The Awakening (1899) by Kate Chopin (May 15–17, 2022)
- The Kiss and Other Stories (1897) by Kate Chopin (May 19, 2022)
- The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter (1940) by Carson McCullers (May 20–25, 2022)
- Reflections in a Golden Eye (1941) by Carson McCullers (May 26–27, 2022)
- The Member of the Wedding (1946) by Carson McCullers (May 30–31, 2022)
- The Ballad of the Sad Café (1951) by Carson McCullers (June 1–6, 2022)
- Clock Without Hands (1961) by Carson McCullers (June 7–10, 2022)
- A Curtain of Green (1941) by Eudora Welty (June 11–14, 2022)
- The Wide Net and Other Stories (1943) by Eudora Welty (June 14–15, 2022)
- Other Voices, Other Rooms (1948) by Truman Capote (June 16–18, 2022)
- A Tree of Night and Other Stories (1949) by Truman Capote (June 19–21, 2022)
- The Golden Apples (1949) by Eudora Welty (June 21–27, 2022)
- The Bride of Innisfallen and Other Stories (1955) by Eudora Welty (June 27–29, 2022)
- Wise Blood (1952) by Flannery O’Connor (July 1–3, 2022)
- A Good Man Is Hard to Find (1955) by Flannery O’Connor (July 4–6, 2022)
- The Violent Bear It Away (1960) by Flannery O’Connor (July 7–9, 2022)
- Everything That Rises Must Converge (1965) by Flannery O’Connor (July 10–12, 2022)
- The Complete Stories (1971) by Flannery O’Connor (July 13–14, 2022)
- The Moviegoer (1961) by Walker Percy (July 15–20, 2022)
- A Confederacy of Dunces (1980) by John Kennedy Toole (July 23–Aug. 7, 2022)
- Deliverance (1970) by James Dickey (Aug. 7–13, 2022)
- Edisto (1984) by Padgett Powell (Aug. 14–17, 2022)
- The Stonemason (1994) by Cormac McCarthy (Aug. 19–20, 2022)
- The Sunset Limited (2006) by Cormac McCarthy (Aug. 21–22, 2022)
- Yonder Stands Your Orphan (2001) by Barry Hannah (Aug. 23–28, 2022)
- Long, Last, Happy (2010) by Barry Hannah (Aug. 29–31, 2022)
- Hush Hush (2012) by Steven Barthelme (Sept. 1–3, 2022)
- *Light in August (1932) by William Faulkner (Sept. 4–9, 2022)
- Doctor Martino and Other Stories (1934) by William Faulkner (Sept. 10–18, 2022)
- *Absalom, Absalom! (1936) by William Faulkner (Sept. 19–23, 2022)
- The Unvanquished (1938) by William Faulkner (Sept. 25–27, 2022)
- The Wild Palms (1939) by William Faulkner (Sept. 28–Oct. 3, 2022)
- Lapvona (2022) by Ottessa Moshfegh (Oct. 17–19, 2022)
- The Gardener’s Son (1996) by Cormac McCarthy (Oct. 24, 2022)
- The Passenger (2022) by Cormac McCarthy (Oct. 25–29, 2022)
- The English Understand Wool (2022) by Helen DeWitt (Oct. 30, 2022)
- The Dead Zone (1979) by Stephen King (Oct. 31–Nov. 4, 2022)
- Watershed (1996) by Percival Everett (Nov. 5–7, 2022)
- Telephone (2020) by Percival Everett (Nov. 8–9, 2022)
- The Trees (2021) by Percival Everett (Nov. 10–11, 2022)
- Dr. No (2022) by Percival Everett (Nov. 14–16, 2022)
- Life Is Everywhere (2022) by Lucy Ives (Nov. 17–21, 2022)
- Dead on Top of Saturn (2022) by Stephen Sturgeon (Nov. 22, 2022)
- Is Mother Dead (2020) by Vigdis Hjorth (Nov. 22–26, 2022)
- Liberation Day (2022) by George Saunders (Nov. 27–29, 2022)
- NDA (2022) by Caitlin Forst et al. (Dec. 3–4, 2022)
- Life Among the Aryans (2022) by Ishmael Reed (Dec. 6, 2022)
- Stella Maris (2022) by Cormac McCarthy (Dec. 7–9, 2022)
- The Twilight World (2021) by Werner Herzog (Dec. 10, 2022)
- Aesthetica (2022) by Allie Rowbottom (Dec. 11–13, 2022)
- Pinktoes (1961) by Chester Himes (Dec. 14–16, 2022)
- A Case of Rape (1963) by Chester Himes (Dec. 17–18, 2022)
- Cotton Comes to Harlem (1964) by Chester Himes (Dec. 19–21, 2022)
- The Heat’s On (1966) by Chester Himes (Dec. 22–24, 2022)
- Blind Man With a Pistol (1969) by Chester Himes (Dec. 25–27, 2022)
- Plan B (1983) by Chester Himes (Dec. 28–30, 2022)
- Santa’s Descent (2022) by Brandon Brown and J. Gordon Faylor (Dec. 31, 2022)
- The Count of Monte Cristo (1846) by Alexandre Dumas (Jan. 1–20, 2023)
- The Shards (2023) by Bret Easton Ellis (Jan. 21–26, 2023)
- The Shining (1977) by Stephen King (Jan. 27–Feb. 1, 2023)
- *Less Than Zero (1985) by Bret Easton Ellis (Feb. 2–3, 2023)
- *The Rules of Attraction (1987) by Bret Easton Ellis (Feb. 5–8, 2023)
- *Lunar Park (2005) by Bret Easton Ellis (Feb. 11–14, 2023)
- *Imperial Bedrooms (2010) by Bret Easton Ellis (Feb. 15–16, 2023)
- The Scene (1960) by Clarence Cooper Jr. (Feb. 17–21, 2023)
- The Syndicate (1960) by Clarence Cooper Jr. (Feb. 22–23, 2023)
- The Big Sleep (1939) by Raymond Chandler (Feb. 24–26, 2023)
- The Spy Who Came in from the Cold (1963) by John le Carré (Feb. 27–Mar. 2, 2023)
- The Looking Glass War (1965) by John le Carré (Mar. 3–7, 2023)
- Epitaph for a Tramp (1959) by David Markson (Mar. 8–11, 2023)
- Epitaph for a Dead Beat (1961) by David Markson (Mar. 15–17, 2023)
- The Ballad of Dingus Magee (1965) by David Markson (Mar. 18–21, 2023)
- The Wrong Case (1975) by James Crumley (Mar. 23–27, 2023)
- The Last Good Kiss (1978) by James Crumley (Mar. 28–31, 2023)
- Dancing Bear (1983) by James Crumley (Apr. 1–5, 2023)
- The Mexican Tree Duck (1993) by James Crumley (Apr. 8–11, 2023)
- Iggy Horse (2023) by Michael Earl Craig (Apr. 12, 2023)
- Earth Angel (2023) by Madeline Cash (Apr. 13–15, 2023)
- Island Time (2022) by Olivia Kan-Sperling (Apr. 16–17, 2023)
- Farewell, My Lovely (1940) by Raymond Chandler (Apr. 20–23, 2023)
- The High Window (1942) by Raymond Chandler (Apr. 24–26, 2023)
- The Lady in the Lake (1943) by Raymond Chandler (Apr. 27–30, 2023)
- The Sky Contains the Plans (2020) by Matthew Rohrer (May 1, 2023)
- Norwood (1966) by Charles Portis (May 2–3, 2023)
- True Grit (1968) by Charles Portis (May 4–6, 2023)
- The Dog of the South (1979) by Charles Portis (May 8–10, 2023)
- Miss Doll, Go Home (1965) by David Markson (May 11–13, 2023)
- Going Down (1970) by David Markson (May 16–19, 2023)
- *Springer's Progress (1977) by David Markson (May 20–22, 2023)
- The Killer Inside Me (1952) by Jim Thompson (May 27–31, 2023)
- A Few Months of My Life (2023) by Michel Houellebecq (June 2–3, 2023)
- 14 Poems (2023) by Tao Lin (June 4, 2023)
- Poems from the Dutch (????) by Andrew Weatherhead (June 5, 2023)
- Pop. 1280 (1964) by Jim Thompson (June 6–8, 2023)
- Roseanna (1965) by Maj Sjöwall and Per Wahlöö (June 10–13, 2023)
- The Man Who Went Up in Smoke (1966) by Maj Sjöwall and Per Wahlöö (June 14–18, 2023)
- Strangers on a Train (1950) by Patricia Highsmith (June 19–24, 2023)
- The Talented Mr. Ripley (1955) by Patricia Highsmith (June 25–July 1, 2023)
- I Am Homeless If This Is Not My Home (2023) by Lorrie Moore (July 2–4, 2023)
- Granite Metal (2023) by Josh Barber (July 5, 2023)
- The Guest (2023) by Emma Cline (July 6–8, 2023)
- Biography of X (2023) by Catherine Lacey (July 9–13, 2023)
- The Doctor's Son and Other Stories (1935) by John O'Hara (July 14–15, 2023)
- Files on Parade (1939) by John O’Hara (July 16–19, 2023)
- Pipe Night (1945) by John O'Hara (July 20–21, 2023)
- Death Egg (2023) by Nathaniel Duggan (July 22, 2023)
- Aberration in the Heartland of the Real (2016) by Wendy S. Painting (July 23–30, 2023)
- Pew (2020) by Catherine Lacey (July 31–Aug. 1, 2023)
- House of Hunger (2023) by Uzodimama Okehi (Aug. 2, 2023)
- Happiness and Love (????) by Zoe Dubno (Aug. 3–4, 2023)
- *The Great Gatsby (1925) by F. Scott Fitzgerald (Aug. 5–6, 2023)
- Zone One (2011) by Colson Whitehead (Aug. 7–14, 2023)
- Three Assassins (2004) by Kōtarō Isaka (Aug. 15–17, 2023)
- Harlem Shuffle (2021) by Colson Whitehead (Aug. 18–22, 2023)
- The Mantis (2017) by Kōtarō Isaka (Aug. 23–24, 2023)
- Crook Manifesto (2023) by Colson Whitehead (Aug. 25–28, 2023)
- New Millennium Boyz (2023) by Alex Kazemi (Aug. 29–31, 2023)
- I Hear You’re Rich (2023) by Diane Williams (Sept. 1, 2023)
- Rumor and Other Stories (1985) by James Robison (Sept. 2–4, 2023)
- The Illustrator (1988) by James Robison (Sept. 5–7, 2023)
- 7 Stories (1994) by James Robison (Sept. 8–10, 2023)
- Bad Infinity (2023) by Aria Dean (Sept. 11–14, 2023)
- Artless (2023) by Natasha Stagg (Sept. 16–21, 2023)
- Y/N (2023) by Esther Yi (Sept. 23–26, 2023)
- Tender Is the Night (1934) by F. Scott Fitzgerald (Sept. 27–Oct. 1, 2023)
- *The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar and Six More (1977) by Roald Dahl (Oct. 2–3, 2023)
- The Raven and Other Poems (1845) by Edgar Allan Poe (Oct. 4–5, 2023)
- The Works of the Late Edgar Allan Poe (1850) by Edgar Allan Poe (Oct. 7–11, 2023)
- The Bus Is Fucking Late (Again) (2023) by Peter BD (Oct. 12, 2023)
- Fungi from Yuggoth and Other Poems (1963) by H. P. Lovecraft (Oct. 13–14, 2023)
- Frozen in His Youth (2023) by Stephen Sturgeon (Oct. 15, 2023)
- I'm a Fan (2022) by Sheena Patel (Oct. 15–18, 2023)
- Holly (2023) by Stephen King (Oct. 24–29, 2023)
- Ghosts (1937) by Edith Wharton (Oct. 30–Nov. 5, 2023)
- The Witches of Eastwick (1984) by John Updike (Nov. 12–14, 2023)
- The Widows of Eastwick (2008) by John Updike (Nov. 19–25, 2023)
- Molly (2023) by Blake Butler (Nov. 26–27, 2023)
- Rabbit Remembered (2000) by John Updike (Nov. 28–30, 2023)
- Bech: A Book (1970) by John Updike (Dec. 1–6, 2023)
- Bech Is Back (1982) by John Updike (Dec. 7–10, 2023)
- Bech at Bay (1998) by John Updike (Dec. 11–16, 2023)
- The Coup (1978) by John Updike (Dec. 17–22, 2023)
- A Flaw in the Design (2023) by Nathan Oates (Dec. 23–26, 2023)
- Yule Log (2023) by Brandon Brown and J. Gordon Faylor (Dec. 27, 2023)
- Bordersnakes (1996) by James Crumley (Dec. 27–30, 2023)
- The Babysitter at Rest (2016) by Jen George (Jan. 1–8, 2024)
- Cartesian Sonata and Other Novellas (1998) by William H. Gass (Jan. 9–12, 2024)
- Middle C (2013) by William H. Gass (Jan. 13–17, 2024)
- Eyes (2015) by William H. Gass (Jan 18–21, 2024)
- Down and Out in Paris and London (1933) by George Orwell (Jan. 22–24, 2024)
- Burmese Days (1934) by George Orwell (Jan. 25–30, 2024)
- A Clergyman’s Daughter (1935) by George Orwell (Jan. 31–Feb. 4, 2024)
- Keep the Aspidistra Flying (1936) by George Orwell (Feb. 6–8, 2024)
- *Fudge (2023) by Andrew Weatherhead (Feb. 9, 2024)
- Our Strangers (2023) by Lydia Davis (Feb. 9–11, 2024)
- Alphabetical Diaries (2024) by Sheila Heti (Feb. 12–15, 2024)
- The Fawn (1959) by Magda Szabó (Feb. 17–20, 2024)
- The Postman Always Rings Twice (1934) by James M. Cain (Feb. 21–22, 2024)
- The Little Sister (1949) by Raymond Chandler (Feb. 26–29, 2024)
- The Long Goodbye (1953) by Raymond Chandler (Mar. 1–6, 2024)
- Playback (1958) by Raymond Chandler (Mar. 7–8, 2024)
- The Hamlet (1940) by William Faulkner (Mar. 9–11, 2024)
- Go Down, Moses (1942) by Williams Faulkner (Mar. 12–15, 2024)
- Intruder in the Dust (1948) by William Faulkner (Mar. 16–18, 2024)
- Knight’s Gambit (1949) by William Faulkner (Mar. 19–20, 2024)
- Collected Stories of William Faulkner (1950) by William Faulkner (Mar. 21–24, 2024)
- *Child of God (1973) by Cormac McCarthy (Mar. 25–26, 2024)
- The 42nd Parallel (1930) by John Dos Passos (Mar. 27–31, 2024)
- 1919 (1932) by John Dos Passos (Apr. 1–6, 2024)
- The Big Money (1936) by John Dos Passos (Apr. 7–13, 2024)
- The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County, and Other Sketches (1867) by Mark Twain (Apr. 14–16, 2024)
- *Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884) by Mark Twain (Apr. 17–20, 2024)
- A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court (1889) by Mark Twain (Apr. 21–24, 2024)
- Pudd’nhead Wilson (1894) by Mark Twain (Apr. 25–27, 2024)
- James (2024) by Percival Everett (Apr. 28–30, 2024)
- Erasure (2001) by Percival Everett (May 1–3, 2024)
- Oreo (1974) by Fran Ross (May 4–6, 2024)
- Big Fiction (2023) by Dan Sinykin (May 7–11, 2024)
- Telex from Cuba (2008) by Rachel Kushner (May 12–15, 2024)
- The Flamethrowers (2013) by Rachel Kushner (May 17–20, 2024)
- The Strange Case of Rachel K (2015) by Rachel Kushner (May 21, 2024)
- The Mars Room (2018) by Rachel Kushner (May 22–24, 2024)
- The Mayor of Leipzig (2021) by Rachel Kushner (May 25, 2024)
- The Hard Crowd (2021) by Rachel Kushner (May 26–28, 2024)
- Shy Ann (2002) by Michael Frederick (May 29–30, 2024)
- Conversations with Friends (2017) by Sally Rooney (May 31–June 2, 2024)
- Normal People (2018) by Sally Rooney (June 3–4, 2024)
- Beautiful World, Where Are You (2021) by Sally Rooney (June 13–15, 2024)
- When We Cease to Understand the World (2020) by Benjamín Labatut (June 15–16, 2024)
- The MANIAC (2023) by Benjamín Labatut (June 17–19, 2024)
- All Fours (2024) by Miranda July (June 20–23, 2024)
- Martyr! (2024) by Kaveh Akbar (June 24–26, 2024)
- Second Place (2021) by Rachel Cusk (June 27–28, 2024)
- Parade (2024) by Rachel Cusk (June 29–30, 2024)
- *Peru (1986) by Gordon Lish (July 1–2, 2024)
- To Have Written a Book (2024) by Gordon Lish (July 3, 2024)
- Annals and Indices (2024) by Gordon Lish (July 4–5, 2024)
- Housekeeping (1980) by Marilynne Robinson (July 6–8, 2024)
- Gilead (2004) by Marilynne Robinson (July 9–11, 2024)
- Home (2008) by Marilynne Robinson (July 12–14, 2024)
- Lila (2014) by Marilynne Robinson (July 15–16, 2024)
- Jack (2020) by Marilynne Robinson (July 17–19, 2024)
- *Ninety-Nine Stories of God (2016) by Joy Williams (July 20, 2024)
- Concerning the Future of Souls (2024) by Joy Williams (July 21, 2024)
- Lost Illusions (1843) by Honoré de Balzac (July 22–29, 2024)
- Brat (2024) by Gabriel Smith (July 30–31, 2024)
- Madame Bovary (1857) by Gustave Flaubert (Aug. 1–3, 2024)
- Sentimental Education (1869) by Gustave Flaubert (Aug. 5–10, 2024)
- Swann’s Way (1913) by Marcel Proust (Aug. 11–16, 2024)
- *The Wapshot Chronicle (1957) by John Cheever (Aug. 17–21, 2024)
- Ourselves to Know (1960) by John O’Hara (Aug. 25–29, 2024)
- Cold Dogs (2024) by Zan de Parry (Aug. 30, 2024)
- The Tumbler (1969) by Joan Brossa (Aug. 31, 2024)
- My Life as a Man (1974) by Philip Roth (Sept. 1–4, 2024)
- The Ghost Writer (1979) by Philip Roth (Sept. 5–6, 2024)
- Zuckerman Unbound (1981) by Philip Roth (Sept. 7–8, 2024)
- The Anatomy Lesson (1983) by Philip Roth (Sept. 9–10, 2024)
- The Prague Orgy (1985) by Philip Roth (Sept. 11–12, 2024)
- The Counterlife (1986) by Philip Roth (Sept. 13–18, 2024)
- The Facts (1988) by Philip Roth (Sept. 19–21, 2024)
- Deception (1990) by Philip Roth (Sept. 22–23, 2024)
- Patrimony (1991) by Philip Roth (Sept. 24–26, 2024)
- Operation Shylock (1993) by Philip Roth (Sept. 27–30, 2024)
- The Coin (2024) by Yasmin Zaher (Oct. 1–3, 2024)
- Creation Lake (2024) by Rachel Kushner (Oct. 6–9, 2024)
- Intermezzo (2024) by Sally Rooney (Oct. 10–14, 2024)
- Let Me Try Again (2024) by Matthew Davis (Oct. 15–18, 2024)
- Army of Giants (2024) by Matthew Rohrer (Oct. 21, 2024)
- If Only (2001) by Vigdis Hjorth (Oct. 25–Nov. 6, 2024)
- Interventions 2020 (2020) by Michel Houellebecq (Nov. 7–10, 2024)
- *Submission (2015) by Michel Houellebecq (Nov. 11–13, 2024)
- Annihilation (2022) by Michel Houellebecq (Nov. 16–22, 2024)
- Selected Stories (2024) by Franz Kafka (Nov. 23–25, 2024)
- The Trial (1925) by Franz Kafka (Nov. 26–30, 2024)
- The Castle (1926) by Franz Kafka (Dec. 1–5, 2024)
- Rejection (2024) by Tony Tulathimutte (Dec. 6–10, 2024)
- An Image of My Name Enters America (2024) by Lucy Ives (Dec. 11–15, 2024)
- The Message (2024) by Ta-Nehisi Coates (Dec. 17–19, 2024)
- Reading Genesis (2024) by Marilynne Robinson (Dec. 22–24, 2024)
- A Christmas to Remember (2024) by Brandon Brown and J. Gordon Faylor (Dec. 25, 2024)
- Health and Safety (2024) by Emily Witt (Dec. 26–29, 2024)
- Sweet Days of Discipline (1989) by Fleur Jaeggy (Dec. 30–31, 2024)
- These Possible Lives (2015) by Fleur Jaeggy (Jan. 2–3, 2025)
- The Unbearable Lightness of Being (1984) by Milan Kundera (Jan. 5–9, 2025)
- b.1990, Worcester, MA
- dfishkind@gmail.com
Books I've Read
from Jan. 1, 2016–Present